TES Skyrim SE 0.484

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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TES Skyrim SE 0.484

The Elder Scrolls Skyrim SE (SSE)

Added [COMPLEXMATERIAL] category and support of dielectric and metallic materials. Complex material type also allow to use parallax on it. Details about implementation you can ask on the forum, in the discord or wait until someone make a guide.

Description of the complex material:
For characters _p texture used. For other objects envmap mask texture is used, so mesh must have envmap type flags to be set. For characters metallness not available because no cubemap reflection. At least not yet.
Red channel remains as it is by functionality, specular amount of reflection amount (for character or for envmap).
Green channel is glossiness, low values makes specular wider and reflection of cubemap blurrier. But if value is lower equal to 4/255, it's considered as black and complex material turns off. This trigger may bring troubles when doing compression of textures multiple times, but required to make possible use of parallax while complex material is disabled.
Blue channel is metalness. Metal use diffuse map color for reflection color and for specular color. When metalness is lower than 255, blends to dielectric type with fresnel applied to it (fresnel parameters are tweakable in the enbseries.ini).
Alpha channel is for parallax height. But it also turn on complex material and parallax both. If value is around 255, both parallax and complex materials are disabled. When value is near 0, parallax is disabled but complex material is used. Anything in between means both parallax and complex materials are active (don't forget about trigger in green channel too). Value 127 is no parallax shift.

How to make gold:
Diffuse texture color R=255, B=186, G=94. Complex material map values R=255, G=255, B=255, ALPHA=0.

WARNING! When using photoshop to save dds files, alpha channel is invalid by default which easily can be seen as bug for parallax. You must in the color preferences set gray gamma 2.2 in there to make proper output.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.484

where can i download 0.484 ?

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.484

Someone please write a detailed guide

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.484

Hello Boris, move love for your hard work! Have you considered seeing if an ENB replacement for water LOD is possible? What I mean is; the game only allows for a single texture across the world for water LOD. This means that if you make the water displacement high in one area, but low in another, the LOD will not match, since you can only have a single LOD but many water types.

I assumed it would be impossible, but the terrain blending feature I think proves me wrong for doubting! I know you are the only person who is talented enough to make a solution, since the LOD is engine hard-coded.

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.484

There is no information what kind of water blended to water lod, so i can't do much about it to blend. This rather need some replacement. One guy suggested to reduce waves amplitude with distance, but that's ugly looking thing and unrealistic. Same person suggested to add noise there to make same looking water for lods and for usual one, but there is no way to have generic noise which match all water types and satisfy modders and users. This problem need more complicated solution, so i just push it to some future till idea comes to mind.
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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.484

I've noticed a weird dark circle around the character - it's like a huge shadow that moves around with the character and darkens the grass. I tracked this down to a complex grass. Happens when ApplyToBasicGrass is enabled. To be more specific - this setting lightens up the grass far from the character and disables some of the lighting on the grass directly around the character, creating a sharp line where the light starts.

ADDITIONAL INFO: This is best visible at sunset time (at least for me) and the bright lighted area on the grass, that starts where the shadow ends, responds to the DirectLighting parameters under the [Environment]
It seems the problem is that DirectLighting will not light up the grass around the character.



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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.484

I dont have this even with skylighting and clouds shadows enabled. Keep looking which other effect do it.
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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.484

Hmm, I can always reproduce this. But it's not visible in the daytime, so try the following:

1. Go to somewhere in the middle of a grass field.
2. Enable ComplexGrass under the [UseEffect]
3. Enable ApplyToBasicGrass under the [COMPLEXGRASS]
4. Open console (~key on the keyboard) and use the code "set gamehour to 18"
5. In the ENB interface start adjusting DirectLightingIntensitySunset under the [ENVIRONMENT]

If I do this, there is a huge area of grass around my character that remains unchanged when I adjust the DirectLighting parameters. This area moves when I move.
But if I adjust the AmbientLighting parametes, they work and everything changes in my immediate surrounding as well as far away.
So the problem is deffinitely the DirectLighting combined with ComplexGrass and ApplyToBasicGrass parameters.

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.484

I did that in previous test, so something else is wrong. But my grass is vanilla and game too.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: TES Skyrim SE 0.484

Is there perhaps some game ini setting that can do this ?
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