[poll] TES Skyrim interior

Does the mod need separate presets for interior only?

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[poll] TES Skyrim interior

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Several times i was asked about separate parameters of enbseries.ini for interior and exterior. Now i'm thinking seriously about this feature, so xxxDay and xxxxNight will be for exterior and xxxInterior parameters for internal closed areas like caves, houses, shops, dungeons (but all the same).
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Re: [poll] TES Skyrim interior

One of the things I've noticed with ENB is that I'll find an ENB preset that looks really good when my character is outside, but when I go inside, the interiors are way too dark and have various other side effects because the ENB preset was made to look good when outside. This will give everyone an opportunity to tweak settings for both inside and outside without having to worry about settings made for exteriors affecting interiors and vice versa.

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Re: [poll] TES Skyrim interior

Agreed, achieving balance between indoors and outdoors is one of my biggest challenges and the pretty well the only reason I still use Realistic Lighting as well. Please extend same capability to enbeffect as well or minimally provide variables identifying current location that can be used to add custom parameters and code.


Re: [poll] TES Skyrim interior

That would be great, Boris.
If you feel like doing it, just go !


Re: [poll] TES Skyrim interior


Why not allow Papyrus scripts to communicate directly with ENB via an SKSE plugin? OBGE for Oblivion did this, and it worked very well. I used it to change the Depth of Field bokeh settings when entering and exiting conversations. And I also used scripting to tell OBGE when to enable certain underwater effects.

Those are just examples; you yourself could of course find ways to hardcode for such things in the ENB DLL, but since you read in all the ENB INI settings once during initialization and don't allow them to be changed, you would have to do all the work yourself. If we had a plugin that allowed Papyrus scripts to talk to ENB, we could change the INI settings in real time. For example changing bloom, exposure, sun intensity, fog settings, etc. for certain weather types, someone could create a true weather mod for ENB. A modder or ENB Preset author could change the different INI parameters as a function of the GameHour (global variable for time of day). Color grading based on the time of day, or region, or weather type currently active. Sorry, I'm just spitting out lots of useful examples.

I know that there is a cost to externalizing some of these parameters, but I think the entire community would enjoy the freedom to play with all the variables in real time. There are so many examples I can't even come up with, that's how dynamic it would make ENB. Though I think the best thing someone could do is create a menu mod to tweak the settings in-game, and even store and load various presets.

P.S. - Even if you don't want to externalize some of these parameters to Papyrus, the GameHour (time of day) example has me wondering if you utilize this in your plugin currently. If I understand correctly you have "Day/Night Detection" but this is based on some sky color... Why not grab the GameHour directly from the EXE at least, and use GameHour as a function of time to blend various day/night settings? GameHour is an int between 0-24 (# of hours in a day), so 0 & 24 = "100% Night" and 12 is "100% Day" ... You could blend between night and day with a polynomial approximation of sine (Taylor series).

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Re: [poll] TES Skyrim interior

Guest wrote:*snip*
Oops, excuse me for the double post. The forum logged me out by the time I posted the message above. Just wanted to clarify.

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Re: [poll] TES Skyrim interior

No problem, i already thought about lua scripts for complex controls over parameters. But i don't like to learn how SKSE or other tools working, ENBSeries is kind of hobby, modding itself or Skyrim as game absolutely not interesting me (don't have enough time for games last years). So, without others help i even don't know how to connect to SKSE, write any kind of plugin system with declared variables for shaders and parameters in enbseries.ini?
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Re: [poll] TES Skyrim interior

Boris, of course I voted yes. If anything someone that doesn't want them different can always use the same values. I'd really love separate interior and exterior values. It would solve SO many problems!

Maybe it would also be nice to have a separate setting for SSAO values for interiors and exteriors. Just saying.
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Re: [poll] TES Skyrim interior

I would love to see this so I could get darker dungeons using ENB instead of having to use a mod for it.

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Re: [poll] TES Skyrim interior

Finally no exterior Night and Cave Lighting issues that would rock Boris though i really wonder how can you seperate point lights from Nights from Point Lights in Caves i wonder how you gonna tackle that :)
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