Eye Adaptation

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Joined: 08 May 2014, 00:00

Eye Adaptation

Hello I am new to ENB and have a simple question regarding eye adaptation.

I have noticed when playing Skyrim with ENB that when looking at something bright while using adaptation the scene gets brighter and when you look into a dark area the scene gets darker. But in real life it is the opposite, when confronted by brightness our pupils close a little allowing less light in causing things to dim down a bit and in darkness they open up to let more light in causing it to get lighter. This may be caused by something I am doing wrong, if so maybe someone could help give me some ideas as to what it is.

Am I doing something wrong or is this just how it is?

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Eye Adaptation

Well actually, it should be like you said, in most enb configs it is. But adaptation is done in enbeffect.fx, maybe the author did a mistake? I could also imagine that enightdayfactor is flipped (old versions of enb have the detector vice versa so old dll with new enbeffect makes night values applied on daytime and vice versa).

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Re: Eye Adaptation

What if I eliminate the nightdayfactor as being the problem. When I compare code between what I have and most other ENBs there is no difference.

What else could cause this?

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Eye Adaptation

As I said, old code on new dll. If you are a bit familiar with coding, try to invert the ENightDayFactor. Just set a new variable in pixel shader like "float NewENDFactor = 1-ENightDayFactor; and replacing "ENightdayFactor" with "NewENDFactor" everywhere it's used. STRG+H in Notepad comes in handy.

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Re: Eye Adaptation

Oh, I see now. I thought you meant I only needed to flip nightdayfactor if I was using old dll. I got it now, thanks for your help.
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