ENB Helper for locations without Locations???

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ENB Helper for locations without Locations???

Hi, I've been struggling with a couple locations in Skyrim which i want to assign a location based weather.
These are locations which do not have location data per cell, and are generally within another "Worldspace"

For example, right now I'm in 'Darkfall Passage World' [02004BEA] and the main worldspace has a location ID 020162AC.
But assigning a locational weather in the "_locationweatherweather.ini" seemingly has no affect.
[02004BEA] (worldspace)

I had another 'Worldspace' where I tried the same thing and it didn't work for me either.
Ancestor Glade World (the main cell is 020048C7) has a location ID.
DLC1_AncestorsGladeLocation [LCTN:02003583] I tried:
//Ancestor Glade

but same thing. nothing took.

I did something similar for Eldergleam Sanctuary and it worked fine.
//Eldergleam Sanctuary

all the sub-cells within that world took on the assigned enb ini file, and the world was happy.

I'm confused. If anyone can shed light on how to make this work Pls let me know

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: ENB Helper for locations without Locations???

Re check the location ID

Also - only times that this has happened to me is when the same location ID has been accidentally already assigned. Use search function to make sure it's not double.

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Re: ENB Helper for locations without Locations???

Hi thx for reply, but I've checked both _locationweather.ini and _weatherlist.ini - nothing else is touching these.
My concern is that these sub-cells contain no location IDs. (aside from the main World location ID)
Now, in the past I have an esp i edit dedicated to creating Locations for cells that have no location. And this has worked for the odd cases.
However, these 2 cells seem to be similar to Eldergleam Sanctuary in which the 'Main Cell' does have a location ID and assigning that to a specific location ini propagated throughout the sub-cells. It just isn't working in that way for the two cells mentioned above.
I tried creating a new Location ID in my 'Location Edits' esp with the Main cell's location as a parent location.
I then added this new sub-location as a patch to all sub-cell. - but this approach didn't work at all.
I still get general regional weathers. Now, Yes, I can just temp tweak the weathers that show up in here, but really, those weathers are already programmed to handle 'normal' interiors.. etc.
These Worlds need there own ini files. Otherwise they are pitch black.

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: ENB Helper for locations without Locations???

There shouln't be locations without location. If the location has not been determined, then location ID will be 00000000
I have separate weather ini for such locations.

For example:

But in your exampe there is a code (020162AC=d4889)
Wher did you get this location ID code?

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Re: ENB Helper for locations without Locations???

020162AC is the location ID attached to the Worldspace DLC1DarkfallPassageWorld "Darkfall Passage" [WRLD:02004BEA]

EDIT.. Okay, I'm being an idiot. I just realized I was leaving the "02"xxxxxx in the prefix. For some reason I was assuming since this was a DLC master, i could put the full address. Wrong. Changing the first 2 digits to zeros, now everything's working as expected.

Sorry :( .. and thx much for the reply!

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: ENB Helper for locations without Locations???

Yeah, it's usually something too easy to notice. lol
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