Once upon a time...

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Once upon a time...

So...too explain this problem i'm gonna have to give a little bit of backstory/storytime for context, but dont worry to much about that. My question is pretty simple and open-ended (Meaning, if you know about this issue and someone has figured out a solution thats great, and if not; meh dont bother trying to solve it unless you really want to.)

So about 4-5 years ago i was really interested in replaying Oblivion again and wanted to try going on all out on modding the graphics cus my favorite part about oblivion had always been running around and exploring the beatiful environments, so i started reading some mod guides and after much, much research and learning about modding i started the process and went as hard as possible, model overhauls, bug fixes, combat mods, retextures for almost everything in the game, i installed
wrye bash, oblivion mod manager, OBSE script extender and so on and on. And after like 50+ hours of modding (lol) i was done, and it all worked amazingly. All my learning and following the modguides word for word payed off and i was running the game with 200+ mods and a mod folder almost twice the size of the actual game folder with 0 lagg and litearlly didnt crash a single time during my entire playthrough, honestly i felt like the game ran even smoother then vanilla oblivion with all the performance optimizations, tweaks, unofficial patches, bug fix/ performance mods i installed.

So then came the time i started reading about ENB and how it could mod the lighting of the game and make it look way way better, even adding effects and such not supported by the original game. (Sorry if i am butchering the description of your
software lol, but its been like 5 years since i messed around with it)

And after a short bit of googling and finding a recommended ENB preset i liked from a modguide i enabled it and booted up oblivion. And holy shit my mind was totally blown, by adding modern lighting and lighting effects the game looked totally different, this 1 "mod" i had installed objectively made the game look way better then all the other stuff i had done combined. 1 lighting mod vs 50+ hours and 20+ gb of mods.
And with the ENB installed together with almost the entire game having been retextured with 2k textures i was running around in oblivion with (almost) Witcher 3 graphics on Ultra setting.

This post is turning into a short story/novell lol, sorry i had way to much fun remembering and writing this stuff...I shall call it: The Downfall of a Modder. :D Because anyways here comes the tragedy.

After having a blast playing through entire oblivion and the dlc i was looking around for some other rpg to start playing when i noticed skyrim in my game folder. And after booting it up i had short laugh at how my fully modded oblivion without
a doubt had way better graphics then vanilla skyrim.
And even tho i never liked skyrim as much as oblivion i thought, hey it could be fun playing through it again once atleast and try to make it look as awsome as i can with my new modding experience.

So began my second modding project... Modding skyrim however proved to be much more difficult then oblivion. Partially because the modding community there hadnt existed for aslong and also because it was much harder to find any good
guides / information on how things worked and such. About 5-6 hours into the process i ran into my first major roadblock and becoming more and more frustrated not being able to solve it i started tweaking some more with the ENB (which
i had previously installed like an hour before) and learned that the ENB itself had something similar to the .ini file for the game, where you could change values and such to tweak settings. And with my ever increasing modding experience
and also during this time i had started learning programming and was about 75% through a course on C#. So i thought, hey i know what i'm doing i'll mess around abit with this and maybe i'll find some clue about solving the problem.
Spoiler: I had no idea what i was doing.

DISCLAIMER: I am not here to blame anyone or point fingers at ENB devs. The file i was changing values in CLEARLY stated (in caps lock if i remember correctly lol) that i was modifying system files/firmware software on my computer.

So after tweaking some general stuff and enabling/disabling some mods i changed a value in this file and restarted skyrim for the 100th time to see if anything changed, and everything looked normal at first. But then when i started to move
the screen around abit i started notcing that everytime i did so the shadows would start to flicker rapidly in a nauseating way giving you a headache if you looked at it for too much. Certain textures, especially thin and sharp ones would also start to flicker aswell whenever they moved or you moved the screen. And no matter what i tried to do or change nothing would change this, by lowering the shadow quality i could reduce it a bit, but it was still totally unplayable.
Defeated i decided to give it up for the day , and chill abit playing Sid Meier's Pirates before going to sleep. It was then as i loaded up my save and started Sailing, i noticed...wait wtf the shadows / pixelated textures are bugged in this game
aswell now. In disbelief i stared at the crazy flickering and after a few moments i alt-f4d and started scrolling through my game library, Witcher 3: flickering, Doom: Flickering, Pillars of eternity: flickering, i even started up oblivion again
and noticed the flickering was now there aswell, when previously there had been none.
To sum up this part of the story, i tried everything to fix it but nothing worked, on a few games like Dota 2 it was hardly noticable once you turned the shadows quality down to minimum, and on other games like Sid Meier's Pirates it was so bad
that no1 could be able to play it for 30+ minutes staring into the flickering textures/shadows without litearlly throwing up from nausea.
And even on the few games like Dota 2 where it was almost impossible to notice with the right graphic settings, i tried the cinematic mode which allows you to zoom in by ridiculous amounts and when i looked at the tree shadows they would still flicker. You just couldnt see it/notice it with the normal game view.

For 350+ hours did i try to fix it (including formatting my entire computer and reinstalling windows THREE times) and search for people with similar issues, and even tho i found a few threads and maybe 25 or so people who had the same problem, i never once read about anyone being able to fix the problem. So finally i gave up and decided i would focus more on studying and other hobbies, and when i felt like gaming a little bit i would simply play dota / the few other games
i could.
The only usefull information i ever found out was that maybe 7 or so other people who had the same flickering had started experiencing it after installing skyrim ENB. Which in turn reconfirmed for me that it was 100% this that caused it start
for me.

So its been 4-5 years since i last looked into this and my question is simply this: Have you heard about anyone with this problem in this time, and has anyone been able to solve it? :D

After seeing the Elden ring release and a few other new games i've been tempted to start doing some gaming again, so if i cant find some solution here i'm simply going to wipe my pc one last time and start replacing every single part until its gone, starting with the motherboard, then the graphics card.

:beer: Thanks in advance for any help provided. :beer:



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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Once upon a time...

The file i was changing values in CLEARLY stated (in caps lock if i remember correctly lol) that i was modifying system files/firmware software on my computer.
I dont have such things and ENBSeries do not modify system files or firmware.
Most likely you have typical videocard bug, if it's factory overclocked, runs hot, bad vendor or bad model, then much higher chances to have issues. Replacing videocard is the best solution (you can borrow one for testing from somebody), but if you are lucky, can try decrease frequencies of gpu and vram by something like 10-20% in software like Afterburner, it helps for some people. I had such things 2 or 3 times with old videocards, doesnt matter is it mod or some game, any heavy load can do this. gtx8800 died like flies for example.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: Once upon a time...

Oh god, i wrote an entire response and when i pressed post, my account had automatically logged out so it was gone.

Anyways it wasnt that long but i gotta sleep soon so i will rewrite it tomorrow if needed.

Tldr version:

* "The file i was changing values in CLEARLY stated (in caps lock if i remember correctly lol) that i was modifying system files/firmware software on my computer." This quote was probably me not remembering things correctly that happened 5 years ago

* I was convinced it was a software issue.

* You are probably right and its just a hardware issue aka bad card. And it triggered cus of the heavy load when i was testing enb options to see how much my system could handle without lagging.

* I'm gonna try disconnecting my GPU and boot the PC with only the integrated graphics card tomorrow to verify and i'll post results after.

Thanks for the response :beer:

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Re: Once upon a time...

Hi again,
Sorry for the update delay but i had some stuff i had to handle. Also i wasnt sure if there was much point posting here since my issue might not even be ENB related directly.
But i thought what the hell, might aswell keep posting, maybe some1 else with the same issue finds it, after all, this kind of post was exactly what i was looking for 5 years ago and never found, where some1 just tries everything untill they can isolate the issue.

So anyways, i opened up the PC and fully disconnected the graphics card from the motherboard and power supply and did a small check around the box.
And everything looked totally fine, some minor dust collected in spots which i cleaned out but no other form of dirt, or obvious damage to any components, which was to be expected since i actually had to switch my power supply about 6 months ago (wasn't running bad or anything, just the fan inside it had started to malfunction/wobble so it made a annoying sound and also it was starting to get rather hot.).
And since you basicly have to drag cables through the entire pc and reconnect every single component, i had alot of time then to check every single part individually.

WIth the GPU fully disconnected and put aside for some minor dust cleaning i booted up the PC again. And everything started up smoothly with the baby resolution half the size of this textbox (just as expected obviously).
However, my plan originally was to run some different games and compare if the crazy flickering/shimmering / screen tearing was still there, and since i was only running the pc on the integrated GPU obviously i couldnt run any games which required much if any graphic rendering power (Is that an actual term or did i just make it up lol).
No worries however, being a huge fan of oldschool doom i had planned for this and installed doom 1 / 2. Released in 1993-1995 it has such basic, old graphics that ANY form of graphic card today should be well enough to run it, even an integrated one.

Unfortunaly however it wouldnt launch (it worked fine before), as a matter of fact not a single game would launch without the GPU connected, honestly i am not 100% sure why this is or happened, the only times i've used a PC with only the integrated GPU running it was to install drivers.
Ye honestly i don't know why no games would launch, however i suspect thats not anything unusual, since it was never made for running any games anyways.
So as my final test i remembered that the issue would sometimes happen even in certain youtube videos. (Mostly the screen tearing part, but sometimes also the edge flickering around sharp edges on animated objects moving infront of a still background. (I guess another way to describe it is that its like something is fundamentally broken about the anti aliasing, not that its just not working and producing ugly edges everywhere, it's way worse then that. Its like its broken/malfunctioning and everywhere there SHOULD be anti aliasing, instead its glitching, flickering/shimmering like crazy.)

Oh, and yes the issue was still there :cry: :cry: :cry:

At first there was only the general screen tearing part, which shouldnt happen either, but it thought: Hey, maybe thats just because of the super low GPU power, i know similar effects can happen when u drag windows around with only the integrated card working or scrolling really fast in a browser. So i kept looking untill i found a video of a Vtuber chilling/chatting, which was perfect for reproducing the glitch. (Animated/moving object with sharp edges infront of a non moving background)
And yep clear as day there it was, i even loaded the same video on my phone with 1080 quality to compare which made it even more obvious.
And then like 30 minutes into testing around with different videos / youtube videos, the graphics just completely broke and all the colors on my screen went crazy (the same way it usually looks right before a card completely breaks from overheating etc, you probably know what i am talking about). I was expecting the pc to just blue screen or the screen to go black, but it kept running with totally broken colors and graphics.
Something was obviously wrong unrelated to my GPU however which was the only thing i was testing for, so i just turned it of manually.

Honestly i am not sure what to make of all this, I guess either it's like i originally thought and some software on the pc is totally broken/corrupted, or some software on the BIOS itself is fucked. Or some part of BIOS is just broken i guess.
I can't think of anything else that could possibly cause this, bad drives? ram memory? nah that shouldn't be possible right? :%)

My next step is wiping the pc completely again, and reinstalling windows 11 instead of 7 just to be sure. Was planning to upgrade anyways and i have a new license and an usb with the boot ready to use, i just gotta backup like 1 TB of .flac music and TV series lol.
After that, if the problem still persists i guess i just buy a new BIOS and try that.

On the bright side tho I guess this means my Graphics card is fine? Maybe? xD


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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Once upon a time...

I don't think it's ram or cpu related, because in that case your pc would crash, bsod, so on all the time. If you did clean reinstall of OS (with formatting hdd) then this even more have no sense to me. At least good thing you may not have issue with videocard. But may be a big problem to find what is it. You must install totally fresh OS, without any software and drivers, except for videocard, maybe it's caused by some trash you have on computer, miner malware or bad drivers.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7
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