Quick question (flat shading look)

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Quick question (flat shading look)

Can you give me that shader and tell which version of the mod had this feature applied? If recent version do not have it.
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Re: Quick question (flat shading look)

It was this build you introduced it
"v0.315: Added external shader for depth of field, so now prepass and dof can be in different files. Added parameter to toggle on/off enbeffectprepass.fx shader. Added mask texture to prepass and depth of field shaders to use it for cell shading modification from Nexus, alpha channel of this mask is less than 1 for all skinned objects. Depth texture for prepass and depth of field shaders contain transparent objects."
quoted from your download page

Heres the fx files the ini one has what adjustments im currently using

I believe its still present in your current v0.349 build the enbeffectprepass.fx looks to be there same

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Re: Quick question (flat shading look)

This is how character subsurface scattering mask looks like in SkyrimSE. Many objects have subsurface scattering set while they must not have it. It will be very buggy look with wrong outlines. I'll think if this can be fixed somehow, but pessimistic at this moment.
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Re: Quick question (flat shading look)

Fixed some terrain which have subsurface scattering and drawed to mask (for edges). But still do not know how to solve problem with objects which have alpha test and they produce edge as you can see on screenshots. Right now the only way to fix i know is to apply some constant at every draw of object, but it's very bad for CPU performance, not interested to make such workaround.
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Re: Quick question (flat shading look)

Ah I see so is it a case that many objects in se are flagged as sub surface when there not ment to have it flagges
I know how to remove the sub surface flag and I think a automated cmd patcher can be made to remove it from all meshes that need it removed.

So if it's a case that it works in se but due to she's sub surface flags on stuff I'm happy to do what I need to to to fix that
Even in old rim I had to fix some sub serf ace flags incorrectly placed on some meshes

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Re: Quick question (flat shading look)

So any meshes with transparency won't get outlines, I'm fine with that if there's no choose
I tend to use hair that are solid and don't use alpha textures, there custom hair I use.
Yer no need to hack some fps killer workaround

Tbh I never expected you to make the shader the first time let alone adapt it to sse I was only asking if it was doable
Any kind of limited version of this would be well appreciated if your willing no need to spend any long amount of time on something that's not going to work completely right

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Re: Quick question (flat shading look)

I released new version with prepass shader and it's default prepass shader is ported code of edge drawing. But because of problem with edges of alpha test used objects (mostly grass and hairs) i did twice multipliers of mask to reduce visibility of such edges, but they still visible a little. Make sure in the shader window you select proper technique to see effect, not default one.
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Re: Quick question (flat shading look)

Thank you so much for that your amazing as always :D

I'll try this out later and mess around and see what I can fix ect

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Re: Quick question (flat shading look)

Hay boris

I was wondering if you could add a secondary line to the line shader that is drawn right after around the inside of the main line
See here - https://lostinanime.com/wp-content/uplo ... 80x720.jpg

The white line here i want to attempt to set something up similar to this where i have a secondary drawn line with the same config options as the main line(thickness, colour ect) that is drawn around the inside of the main lines mask

As im trying to replicate a sort of fake light highlight it would need a gradient on the mask where it fades towards the bottom
Would that be as simple as making the mask have a top to bottom B/W gradient?
or is that more complex?

The only other config option that would be nice is a softness/hardness for a falloff effect like this

Just away to give the line a harder edge or a more softer one

Also how easy would be to merge your lineshder prepass.fx with the one from this
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecial ... mods/20813

He has a prepass.fx that allows you to tweak the skin colour and such
I spoke with the author he said its possible to merge them but he wasn't interested in doing it :/

One last question(and i mean it XD)
I use the painterly postpass.fx shader from
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecial ... /mods/6204
Would it be possible to be able to remove the effect of the paint shader from objects that have subsurface AKA skin
By like using the subsurface mask you have for the outlines
My goal is to have everything ingame receive the paint effect except for the player/npc skin as i already have a hand painted body texture and want it at its fullest detail unaffected by the paint shader
Heres some censored images, because well this is not the nexus XD of my body texture

I was quite happy with the textured shading i got on it but with the paint shader you cant see alot of the shading and details as the paint shader blends this all out, so a way to make the paint shader ignore sss objects would be great or even a mask transparency setting so i could slowly Bring in the paint shader on the skin just a little bit(i assume that would just be the same as the outlines transparency setting that just fades the mask)
(I should note i have a mesh replace that removes alot of SSS from all the random meshes so that only player/npc bodies have sss)

As always thankyou for the line shader Im really enjoying using :D

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Re: Quick question (flat shading look)

Making good/properly looking cell shading is complicated task. There is no precise logic why white outline occurs in drawing, it's just style and nothing more, so how to apply it, on which rules - i dont know. This could be lighting dependent or when angle of normal is too much sharp, specular can be involved too, so it turn on this white thing. Some kind of gradient texture can do the trick, but it will require normal map and lot of things like lighting data to compute it again and normalize (but i can't give you the one from point lights, only sun is available). These all are serious changes to standard of shader and to write good shader it may take weeks for tweaking and testing. And i promise, this never work the way you want now, because there are many tiny details in game on the body which not exist in anime and you will not be happy if ears or nose will shine with white line. And hairs...
Doing mask for characters to not apply painting shader is of course possible, but lines generated are applied outside of characters, so it means to keep them, they must be applied after masking, so this means playing tricks with passes of the paint shader and it can be not simple, hard to tell unless try.
I cant mix prepass shader for skin, for paint and yours, this is too much to make all compatible. It's another layer of complexity, i dont have time for that.
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