Skyrim/280x: Black Screen of Doom & PC crashes on main menu.

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Skyrim/280x: Black Screen of Doom & PC crashes on main menu.

EDIT: Bloody hell. After all that i managed to get it working. I downgraded to ENB 0.262, tried the Injector version and dropped Realvision ENB directly into my data folder and it worked! I thought perhaps it was some sort of problem with ENB manager, but after the success with the injector i removed all that and tried installing the 0.262 wrapper version and using ENB Manager and it bloody worked. Other than downgrading, i'm pretty sure i didn't do anything else different. It couldn't have simply been a fresh install of ENB that did the trick as i'd already tried that. So perhaps there's just some incompatibility with 0.264 for me... might try again sometime but for now i'm too scared to upgrade and i'm pretty content with just having an ENB. Looks amazing to say the least.


Yo guys!

Hope someone can help me out... wasn't sure which forum to post to, i'm not sure if it's an issue related to my card or what but i might as well post here. I'm using a Gigabyte R9 280x and the latest version of ENB, 0.264. Card is at factory clock, 1100MHz and memory at 1500MHz. I'm using the catalyst 14.4 driver and Windows 7 64x.

Basically, i've been using the ENB file for a while purely for it's ENBoost stuff - so i've had 'UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics' set to true this entire time while i got my other mods set up. I just decided this afternoon to see if i could actually use an ENB and still get playable FPS, so i downloaded ENB Manager/Changer and Stakado's cinematic ENB. Pretty sure i set it up correctly, although i'm running ENB Manager from a 'utilities' folder in my Skyrim directory, as opposed to directly in there.

Anyway, as soon as i set "UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics" to false and start up Skyrim (though Mod Organizer>SKSE) i get the initial Skyrim dragon emblem, the main menu music (sometimes...) and the ENB splash writing in the top left corner... but then before the rest of the main menu and the background smoke can show (continue, load game etc etc the screen turns black, occasionally flashes or turns white, flickers back to black etc before eventually violently crashing my PC. Not good. If i set UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics back to true, it boots just fine.

I'm not sure what's happening. But one attempt i did manage to catch a message that popped up when i ALT+Tabbed out during the black screen, something about my display driver having to restart or something.

For the record i've:

> Edited all my skyrim .ini files (through the Mod Organizer .ini editor) to the required settings (bfloatpointrendertarget=1 and all that).

> Disabled FXAA, Antialiasing and Anisotropic in my Skyrim launcher and my .ini files. I don't have a profile for Skyrim in AMD Catalyst, but my global settings are mainly set to be 'application controls'. Unless i'm missing something there that could be causing this issue.

> Tried running Skyrim with no mods at all by using a completely default profile in Mod Organizer. Problems exactly the same.

> Tried turning off RadeonPro and deleting my Skyrim profile on that (i use it to set the refresh rate to 59hz and force frames to avoid glitchy physics and flashing water in game). I suppose i could probably use the ENB FPS limiter to do this instead of RP but i can't seem to run ENB at all other than with the 'graphics' disabled. Although deleting my Skyrim profile in RP didn't seem to change anything with the whole black screen/crashing computer thing.

> Pretty sure everything on my PC is up to date: drivers, my ENB, programs like SKSE etc. Not sure i can handle the idea of rerolling drivers unless people think that'd really help.

I can't really think of anything else. I haven't edited my enb .ini files at all, other than a few under the 'memory' section in ENBlocal, like adding 3096mb of Vram.

I also haven't tried using a different ENB or installing it directly instead of ENB Manager. It's the first time i've used ENB Manager but i'm pretty sure i set it up right. Could there be an issue with using that or doing that wrong?

Could it be an interference with a mod? Despite running a default/modless profile in Mod Organizer, there are probably still some scripts running. I have no idea though. I'm also using the HDT physics extension which i figure might create some issues with ENB but i don't know why that wouldn't even allow me to see the main menu...

Bit lost! I've just spent the past week getting all my other mods set up right, can't face the idea of doing a fresh install. My PC is pretty much brand new too, so hopefully it's just some sort of conflicting software issue rather than any hardware problems... Still i'm at a bit of a loss how to fix this... I'm almost a bit scared to keep on trying... it really can't be good for my PC to have it force crashed everytime.

Can't really find much else about this problem, though i'll continue to look right now. Thanks in advance to anyone who can shed some light on this! Hopefully it's a more simple fix that i'm imagining, like a simple .ini tweak or AMD setting that i've forgotten about... :cry:

edit. Tried a new ENB through ENB manager. Still no dice. Black screen at main menu, but the music still plays. It's also worth noting that if i launch through the Skyrim Launcher as opposed to MO and SKSE then i get slightly further. The main menu and continue/load game options appear for a split second, the mouse won't move and then the screen turns white and i have to force quit. Grim stuff!

edit 2. Tried deleting my current .ini files and restarting skyrim. Changed bFloatPointRenderTarget=1, bTreesReceiveShadows=1, bDrawLandShadows=1, bShadowsOnGrass=1 and booted up Skyrim. Still got black screen and PC crashed before i could even alt+tab out.

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Re: Skyrim/280x: Black Screen of Doom & PC crashes on main m

Scared of what? I clearly wrote that amd users have issues with 0.264 and i'm trying to find out why. Latest version is always the best, unless mentioned.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: Skyrim/280x: Black Screen of Doom & PC crashes on main m


Its a shame you chose such an overrated and overall mediocre ENB. There are so many better ENBs that do not get the attention they deserve simply because this is old and therefore has so many endorsements. But hey, I guess anything is better than Vanilla, which isn't saying much.
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