Is ENB not optimized for the new Kepler architecture?

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Is ENB not optimized for the new Kepler architecture?

Hello ENBDev

I simply can not figure out why my laptop drops to less than 50% framerate with ANY ENB in Skyrim. My skyrim, both vanilla and tons of HD texture mods, can maintain a constant 50fps in Whiterun, 35-40 outside. Most settings maxed. Obviously my computer is more than capable of Skyrim.

But after trying multiple ENB settings, even Stakado's high performance variants, I could not get a smooth framerate above 20fps. In desperation, I've performed multiple clean installs and started over. Even with the default ENB, the framerate instantly drops. It doesn't seem to be a matter of which preset, it's always a sub20fps, maybe 20 if I stare at the ground.

Trying to go about this intelligently, I am out of ideas. If a 100% clean install with nothing but ENB is still causing this lag, I am out of ideas. I have tried the last two latest nvidia drivers, every ENB version, checking recommended/required ini settings, tried both injector and wrapper versions - nothing worked. If it's relevant at all, I even gave up and decided to just live with FXAA Post Process Injector, but this also creates the EXACT same scenario.

Alienware M14x
Core i7-3610QM @ 2.30GHz
nVidia 650M (Kepler, not the old Fermi)
playing on 1600x900 resolution

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Re: Is ENB not optimized for the new Kepler architecture?

First, use only injector version if you have nvidia optimus (otherwise intel videocard will be active). Second, turn off the mod by shift+f12 keys and compare performance to game without enbseries injected, in this mode enbseries only copy textures of color and depth to own internal. Third, check if fps limiter disabled in enbseries.ini. Fourth, toggle each effect (enbseries.ini [EFFECT] category) and check which one is slow, then tweak it properties. The last, almost all effects depends from display resolution, decrease it to see if differ much. Btw laptop videocards much slower than desktop versions, it's very naive point to buy latest kepler and wait miracles from it, especially from non optimized mod, for any videocard (it's like early beta game which doesn't need to be fast).
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: Is ENB not optimized for the new Kepler architecture?

1. I've read that Injector is only for optimus, but at this point, I'm out of ideas
2. Already tried, fps does not improve at all when disabled by Shift+F12
3. Yep, already checked if FPS limiter was off
4. Good idea. Started off by setting all EFFECT values false, no difference

and i don't understand your comment about being "naive" at all (read it multiple times). I just want to confirm whether I am still overlooking something, or simply the drivers for Kepler are still relatively new. I just want to know/confirm the answer, I can live with whatever the answer is

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Re: Is ENB not optimized for the new Kepler architecture?

Have you tried to decrease resolution and then check performance with mod disabled by shift+f12 keys? If it differ much enough if compare the same test but bigger resolution, then it's internal job of the mod. Drivers are not in business here.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: Is ENB not optimized for the new Kepler architecture?

sorry, forgot to mention, tried that too. exact same fps/situation regardless of resolution, regardless of whether ENB is enabled with Shift+F12 :(

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Re: Is ENB not optimized for the new Kepler architecture?

I think it's intel videocard enabled or enbseries.ini outdated from old version of the mod (ForceFakeVideocard=true was set), because internal copying of textures depends from resolution even when mod disabled.
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Re: Is ENB not optimized for the new Kepler architecture?

I did some looking, and found that ForceFakeVideocard was not present in the enbseries.ini from the presets - so I was losing that setting when overwriting files. good catch

unfortunately, setting it to either false or true didn't help. I was wondering if it was the Intel Integrated getting involved, since this is post processing. But how could I possibly disable it completely? (since Laptops love to switch between both for power consumption reasons) is there a way to force all video to go through the nvidia GPU? My google searching leads me to answers of "no, because nvidia still outputs through the Intel to display screen". I'm guessing even deactivating through BIOS (if possible) would render my screen unusable then

edit: btw, thank you very much for the ideas. sorry if I sound frustrated. It just didn't seem right that a computer capable of 50fps normally was having trouble rendering ENB

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Re: Is ENB not optimized for the new Kepler architecture?

I don't have laptop and don't know how to turn off intel card. The only solution was injector, but as you say wrapper gives same fps as injector, then injector not works (you are the first one).
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: Is ENB not optimized for the new Kepler architecture?

Boris, it's not Optimus problem here; it's the computer that is wrong.
I have a laptop with GT 650m and it does not have Optimus; wrapper version works fine & performance is around 15/30fps because the GPU sucks.


Re: Is ENB not optimized for the new Kepler architecture?

Hi Boris,

Did you ever figure out that NVidia vendor hack in Skyrim for depth maps? (quote: "Unfortunately, game use unknown vendor hack for NVidia cards, i can't find any information about it"). I am assuming you are referring to NVCS/NVCC fourcc... I could use some insight on that as well...

This is (more-or-less) all I found:

Thanks in advance :)

P.S. About using a wrapper dll for Optimus - HiAlgoBoost has a solution (an "enb adaptor").
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