GTA SA - SA_DirectX 3.0

solving problems with low performance
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GTA SA - SA_DirectX 3.0

Hey, I've downloaded Makarus impeccable mod to GTA, however - running it, I get around 40-30 FPS in game.
I'm not very good with ENB or modifications if it doesn't mean I have to slide something in a folder :D

Mod I've downloaded:

My specs are:
I7 9700K 5GHZ
RTX 3070 ti
32gb ram

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Re: GTA SA - SA_DirectX 3.0

Dont ask me, it's not my preset and i dont know what author made there to make things slow.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: GTA SA - SA_DirectX 3.0

No, I'm just curious on how it works - is there some type of setting that could be wrong considering other people are able to run this mod fine with lower end PC's.

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Re: GTA SA - SA_DirectX 3.0

I dont know, this is almost fully depends from author of preset. You can try to disable some basic things from enbseries.ini, like ssao (ambient occlusion) or shadows, but most likely other things from external shaders modified by preset maker are the reason. For example, if it have volumetric clouds they must be one of the biggest performance hit.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: GTA SA - SA_DirectX 3.0

ENBSeries wrote: 19 Jan 2023, 23:33 I dont know, this is almost fully depends from author of preset. You can try to disable some basic things from enbseries.ini, like ssao (ambient occlusion) or shadows, but most likely other things from external shaders modified by preset maker are the reason. For example, if it have volumetric clouds they must be one of the biggest performance hit.
Okay, thank you for some answers.
What I've tried now is re-installing this mod in a clean GTA folder, starting SA-MP I get following codes:

Unhandled exception at 0x04A691BD in enbseries.asi (+0x91bd): 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x63BCC477.
Register dump:
EAX: 0x63BCC477 EBX: 0x0949D900 ECX: 0x04A691B0 EDX: 0x00000000
EDI: 0x03C20D60 ESI: 0x0949DA14 EBP: 0x0177F5E8 EIP: 0x04A691BD
ESP: 0x0177F5B8 EFL: 0x00210202 CS: 0x00000023 SS: 0x0000002B
GS: 0x0000002B FS: 0x00000053 ES: 0x0000002B DS: 0x0000002B

Stack dump:
0x0177F5B8: 00000000 0949DA14 52127F43 03C20D60 0949DA14 0949DA10
0x0177F5D0: 0949D9D8 00000000 00000000 00000780 00000438 F5D4CEAD
0x0177F5E8: 0177F628 03FEF4A0 05D5A060 0949DA14 FFFFFFFF 01BADC48
0x0177F600: 1269C2D8 00000071 00000001 00000001 00000000 00000000
0x0177F618: 00000000 00000800 00000400 0949DA10 0177F66C 03D679FF
0x0177F630: 00000001 17569AE0 00000000 FFFFFFFF 03DA24D0 01BADC48
0x0177F648: 0177F704 FFFFFFFF 4056C000 0177F644 0177EF7C 0177F6C0
0x0177F660: 03DF93A4 03E1EB88 FFFFFFFF 0177F684 0053E986 639DF75A
0x0177F678: 0177F704 639DFC50 00000001 0177F6CC 639DB8E9 0177F6D8
0x0177F690: 01B99058 63A38A9C 01BADC48 00000000 021C03C0 00000000
base: 0x01580000 top: 0x0177F5B8 bottom: 0x01780000

Backtrace (may be wrong):
=>0x04A691BD Direct3DCreate9+0x185d in enbseries.asi (+0x91bd) (0x0177F5E8)
0x03FEF4A0 D3DXDebugMute+0x5870 in d3dx9_25.dll (+0x2f4a0) (0x0177F628)
0x03D679FF in samp.dll (+0x679ff) (0x0177F66C)
0x0053E986 _Z4IdlePv+0x66 in gta_sa.exe (+0x13e986) (0x0177F684)
0x639DB8E9 in modloader.asi (+0x1b8e9) (0x0177F6CC)
0x639DFC02 in modloader.asi (+0x1fc02) (0x0177F6E0)
0x639DE267 in modloader.asi (+0x1e267) (0x0177F6FC)
0x639E0246 in modloader.asi (+0x20246) (0x0177F870)
0x639E013C in modloader.asi (+0x2013c) (0x0177F87C)
0x0053ECC2 AppEventHandler+0xb2 in gta_sa.exe (+0x13ecc2) (0x0177F884)
0x00619B71 _RsEventHandler+0x11 in gta_sa.exe (+0x219b71) (0x0177F898)
0x00748DA0 _WinMain+0x690 in gta_sa.exe (+0x348da0) (0x0177F914)
0x774C2D2C ZwQueryVirtualMemory+0xc in ntdll.dll (+0x72d2c) (0x0177F918)
0x7664935E VirtualQueryEx+0x1e in KERNELBASE.dll (+0x12935e) (0x0177F938)
0x639DFB94 in modloader.asi (+0x1fb94) (0x0177F958)
0x639DDE46 in modloader.asi (+0x1de46) (0x0177F988)
0x639DB83B in modloader.asi (+0x1b83b) (0x0177F9DC)
0x639DFBBB in modloader.asi (+0x1fbbb) (0x0177F9FC)
0x639DE202 in modloader.asi (+0x1e202) (0x0177FA2C)

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Re: GTA SA - SA_DirectX 3.0

Hell knows, never tested in multiplayer. Anyway, you asking wrong person and i do not support gtasa mod long ago.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7
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