ENBHost.exe Single Instance, Plenty of Memory

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Joined: 06 Jul 2017, 17:15

ENBHost.exe Single Instance, Plenty of Memory

I've been banging my head on this for days and spent hours on this forum and hours on others, to no avail, so I'm asking.

I have an ultra-modded Skyrim, and it works most of the time but I'll randomly get to stare at my Mod Organizer for a bit wondering what happened. I'm making the assumption that script mods are causing most of it, but I found something else odd; I never see more than 1 instance of enbhost.exe that goes to around 3.2GB to 3.3GB, while TESV.exe will eventually cap out and crash.

I loaded 100 guards at a time to see if I can get it to spawn another copy, I can get around 700 before TESV.exe hits a memory cap and blows, or my video memory drops to 1% and all the textures disappear, and then I have to exit.

My system is fairly beefy: i7 6 Cores, 128GB memory, 1070GTX 8GB, and everything loaded on separate performance SSDs.

I was hoping to get enbhost.exe to use a lot more of that memory I have, taking it away from Skyrim.

So to my questions:
1. Are there only particular types of things that will load into enbhost.exe?
2. Is there a setting that I can check to make sure I'm not artificially capping myself to 1 copy of enbhost.exe?
3. Is there a setting to force another copy of enbhost.exe to spawn at a lower memory usage value?


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Re: ENBHost.exe Single Instance, Plenty of Memory

Number of guards or anything else like that do not affect ENBoost and amount of video memory used, it's logic/scripts memory. ENBoost only move textures to enbhost.exe and if game do not create more than 4gb textures, then only 1 enbhost process is spawned. Artificially i did via code condition when several spawning, but never seen this on practice, because only 4k or 8k textures (or many different in same place) can do this. Reduce ReservedMemorySizeMb to very little (64 f.e.) to make more ram space for game, but that's basically everything you can do (EnableUnsafeMemoryHacks=true is better, but alt+tab in full screen can't work, so only borderless windowed is okay). I can make also same thing for geometry to unload, but it's rarely more than 200mb of ram (at least on my unmodded game), so there should be something else which consume a lot of game memory, from mods of course. I recommend to use VMMap to check how much memory game process is using, if less than 3.7 gb, then for sure crash is not because of out of memory. SKSE/Sheson memory patch also helps, but if it memory pre allocation set too big, then it gives worse result, so better keep it 512 or 768 mb.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: ENBHost.exe Single Instance, Plenty of Memory

Thank you for the information and help. That would explain why the base tesv.exe was growing and nothing else, it makes a lot of sense now.

I was finally able to, just now, to force a second instance of enbhost.exe once it hit 4GB by swapping in some 4k texture mods instead of the 2k ones I was using.

I'll play with all the changes you suggested and see if I can eek some more play time out of this.

Thank you. =) James
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